Here are some ways to find a good deal on your vehicle insurance:
Do Some Study of your Own
Many insurance brokers do not volunteer information on discounts or deductibles that are applicable to your insurance, that may reduce premiums 20% to 40%. It is always useful to gather information much before you start calling companies for a quote. Information such as cost and coverage is usually easy to find online, but if you are lured by a low-cost quote by a new company, do check on the insurer’s reviews or complaint record.
Compare Premiums
While it is good to review through your policy for comparing coverage amount, do check on the premium amount for the same coverage across companies. Sometimes, premiums can vary more than a considerable amount and you may discover substantial differences in premium quotes from a number of companies. Measure these quotes in your area to identify your provinces most cost-effective insurers.
Help your Teen Become a Safe Driver
Teens often get involved in unintentional injury as they are not able to assess the risks and consequences of risk-taking decisions while driving. Most teen drivers overestimate their driving abilities leading to serious injury, disabilities and more. GDL or a Graduate Driver Licensing program, that became a law in Alberta in 2003 are a good start to ensuring road safety for new drivers.
Parents can help teens practice and manage risk, and help them transition smoothly between the learner’s license and the full driver’s license. Lower premiums may able be applicable for your teen who is newly licensed and has successfully completed a driver training course.
Be a Safe Driver Yourself
Any driving conviction can significantly increase the cost of a driver’s insurance premium. The applicable premium surcharge is based on whether the convictions are categorized as minor, major or subject to Criminal code. At-fault occurrences can also increase premiums if its occurred within the past six to ten years.
Check on Mileage and Use of your Vehicle
The number of kilometers your vehicle is driven can have an impact on your premium. Also, depends on the use of your vehicle. Whether it is being used for pleasure only, commuting to work or for business use. Check for premiums in all categories.
Drop Coverage for your Old Car
Old cars could be causing you to pay more. Check on the comprehensive and collision coverage and consider reducing its protection for what the car’s worth. Remember, each here there is a depreciation to the value of your car, and it diminished the maximum claim you can make in your coverage.
Finally, most companies tack an extra amount if you’re paying your installments on a monthly plan. If you can afford it, pay it lump sum and be benefitted with a reduced amount.